All of our services are available to those who have experienced domestic violence – including women, men and children. Services are confidential, free of charge, and provided by certified domestic violence counselors. Our approach to services is empowerment-based, person-centered, and trauma-informed.
24 Hour Helpline: 860-225-6357 or 888-774-2900
The Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and provides callers with immediate access to Certified Domestic Violence Counselors and our emergency shelter services. In addition to calls when there is a crisis, people are also encouraged to call for general information about domestic violence and how and when to refer someone for services. Spanish-speaking counselors and multi-lingual translation services are available.
Emergency Shelter
We provide a 22-bed emergency shelter home and wrap-around support services to women, men and children who have experienced domestic violence. Crisis intervention, counseling and case management services are offered in a safe, confidential location. Call the 24 Hour Helpline to talk about this service option.
Individual & Group Counseling
We provide counseling to people living in the community who have experienced domestic violence and are seeking supportive counseling and information about a current or prior relationship. Services are geared toward improving safety, self-esteem, and self-sufficiency, and helping people find alternatives to the violence in their lives. For convenience, services are available in New Britain and in Bristol. Support groups for children are offered at the same time as the adult support group sessions. Call the 24 Hour Helpline to talk about this service option.
Court-based Services
Located in New Britain Superior Court, our court advocates provide outreach, advocacy, and support to victims of family violence crimes, helping people understand their legal rights and options, plan for their safety, and connect to services to address immediate and long-term needs. Court advocates provide information and support and work with court personnel to ensure victims’ rights are upheld and voices are heard from the time of arraignment through final disposition of the case, improving outcomes for victims and the prosecution in domestic violence cases. Call the 24 Hour Helpline to talk about this service option.
Speakers, Trainings & Community Education
Vital to our mission to raise awareness and reduce domestic violence in our communities, our multi-faceted efforts include: (1) awareness raising events for the general public and community groups; (2) training programs for professionals serving the needs of victims and their children, such as police, health care, school and court personnel; and (3) primary prevention programs, which involve intensive, multi-week courses primarily targeted to youth to reduce risk factors and increase positive behaviors that lead to healthy relationships. Call 860-225-5187 ext. 32 to learn more or arrange for a speaker.
Transitional & Permanent Supportive Housing
Our 8 apartments of transitional housing provide a home for up to 2 years while residents gain skills and set goals to find a pathway to self-sufficiency. Residents are offered case management and counseling, educational and career competency trainings, financial literacy and budgeting workshops, job search assistance; and other support services. In our 20 units of Permanent Supportive Housing, people with mental and/or physical disabilities are provided counseling, advocacy, and case management services to support them as they prepare for re-entry into the workforce, attend school, or pursue other individual goals. Call the 24 Hour Helpline to talk about these service options.