Dress Down & Go Purple to support Domestic Violence Awareness Month
You can spread the word to prevent domestic violence!
Join our “Dress Down and Go Purple” campaign and help raise awareness at your school, work, or place of worship. We’ll provide you with brochures, posters, warning signs cards, and handouts.
You pick the day and encourage everyone to wear purple!
Let’s get talking and take a stand – together, let’s end the violence!
For information contact 860-259-3820 or mcarlson@prudencecrandall.org
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CE Electrical Charity Golf Tournament to benefit Prudence Crandall Center
2nd Annual
CE Electrical Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit
Prudence Crandall Center
October 11, 2018 • Lyman Orchard Golf Course
Join us for a day of bogeys, mulligans, & maybe a hole-in-one!
Check-in – 10:30 am
Shotgun – 12:00 pm
Dinner – 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Player Levels:
General Level – $10,000
Major Level – $5,000
Colonel Level – $3,000
Captain Level – $1,500
Private Level – $175.00 per golfer
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Lunch Sponsor – $2,500
On Course Beverage Sponsor – $1,500
Player Cart Sponsor – $1,500
Bar Sponsor – $1,000
Practice Green Sponsor – $500
Driving Range Sponsor – $500
Flag Sponsor – $500
Tee Sign Sponsor – $250
Dinner Ticket Only – $100
If you would like to sponsor, donate a raffle prize or need more information,
please contact Paul Morneau at 860-304-5670 or email pmorneau@ce-electrical.com

Help be the change CT needs
Connecticut has a serious problem with Dual Arrests, Bill SB466 is being considered to address this issue and we need your support!
411 on Dual Arrests:
A dual arrest occurs when both the victim and their abuser are arrested at the scene of a domestic violence incident. Connecticut’s intimate partner dual arrest rate is 20%, which is more than twice the national average of 7% (these are incidents specifically involving spouses, exes, dating partners, and individuals who have a child in common). This has been a 30 year, statewide challenge for Connecticut. This trend cuts across diverse socio-economic communities through rural, suburban, and urban settings.
Dual arrests have both short- and long-term consequences for victims, families, and the criminal justice system:
- Decreases victim safety – When a victim is dually arrested, it has a chilling effect on that victim’s willingness to call the police for help in the future. This makes the victim much less safe moving forward.
- Financial consequences – The victim is now thrust into the criminal justice system as a defendant and may need to hire an attorney, miss work to attend court dates, or hire childcare to attend court dates.
- Additional trauma for children – When children see the parent they identify as the “true victim” arrested, they often develop a similar distrust of police and the criminal justice system.
- Hinders prosecution – Dually arrested victims have little incentive to cooperate with the prosecutor because they themselves are facing prosecution. A dual arrest also raises “reasonable doubt” for defense attorneys who can point to the inability of law enforcement to determine what truly happened.
- Overburdens courts – According to the CT Judicial Branch, family violence cases make up 1/3 of the criminal docket. Thousands of these cases include dual arrests, potentially needlessly adding to an already congested court system, impacting its administration and costing more money.
Here is what you can do to help!
Email Your Legislators
It is important to email your legislators and urge their support of this bill. It is best not to send bulk emails to legislators but to email them individually.
Co-Sponsor – Be sure to ask your legislators to co-sponsor the bill! Having a broad list of co-sponsors helps to demonstrate support for the bill and makes it easier to get the bill called for a vote on the floor.
Submit a Letter to the Editor
You can submit a letter to the editor to your local paper.
Use Social Media
Here are some sample social media posts that you can use to urge support. Be sure to check and see if your legislators have social media accounts and tag them in the post! Also, please be sure to tag CCADV so that we can share your posts with our followers, which includes several legislators. CCADV social media profiles: Twitter – @CTCADV, Facebook: @CTCoalitionAgainstDomesticViolence. You can also tag Prudence Crandall Center: Twitter: @PCC_CT, Facebook: @prudencecrandallcenter.
Did you know? In CT, about 20% of intimate partner violence incidents result in a dual arrest. That’s more than twice the national average of 7%. It’s time for a change! CT should adopt a dominant aggressor law. #PassSB466 #Change #DualArrestCT @Rep/Sen____ @CTCADV @PCC_CT
Victims who are arrested in a dual arrest are less likely to call the police for help in the future greatly diminishing their safety. It’s time for a change! CT should adopt a dominant aggressor law. #PassSB466 #Change #DualArrestCT @Rep/Sen____ @CTCADV @PCC_CT
Children who witness both parents being arrested suffer additional trauma and may develop a distrust of the criminal justice system. It’s time for a change! CT should adopt a dominant aggressor law. #PassSB466 #Change #DualArrestCT @Rep/Sen____ @CTCADV @PCC_CT
Here is a link to Find Your Legislators. Use this to find legislators based on your mailing address.
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Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Irene Mackey, Development Intern
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month! While we are eager to share the importance of this month, the prospect of teen dating violence is one that is all too real for many young people today. Unfortunately, if you are old enough to date, you are old enough to potentially suffer from domestic violence.
Dating at a young age can be a wonderfully awkward experience. Between the ages of 14-18 dating finally starts to feel tangible. Hopes are high that you will meet someone nice, smart, who you have a lot in common with. Dating is something that’s very important to many high school and college students, and we all dream of one day marrying our high school sweethearts. Realistically speaking, it doesn’t always end up this way. But looking back, most have fond memories of their younger days and relationships.
However, this isn’t true for everyone. In fact, according to The Bureau of Justice and Statistics, and Intimate Partner Violence in the United States (2004) “Girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence, almost triple the national average”. These numbers are the very harsh reality. Violent behavioral issues often start as young as age 12, long before our brains have fully developed, but just a few years before we usually start dating. The University of California San Francisco reported that among students between the ages of 15-20 who reported at least one violent act during their dating relationship, 24% experienced extremely violent occurrences such as rape or the use of weapons against them.
Young men and women aren’t always equipped with the right resources and information to help themselves if they are in a violent relationship. It can be difficult to fully grasp that you might be in trouble, how to get out of the relationship, or who to talk to if you need advice. That’s where we come in, at the Prudence Crandall Center we offer resources that will help you to understand that you are not alone, that there are other alternatives, and that you are not a victim, you are a survivor. We have a 24-hour helpline that is there to help people just like you. If you are in need of speaking with someone, we have certified Domestic Violence Counselor available, as well as access to our confidential, emergency shelter. We are here to make you feel heard, and to make you feel safe again.

Why Women Stay: It’s Complicated
In light of the Ray Rice case and the Why I Stayed hashtag that is sparking a nationwide conversation about the complications of domestic abuse and the actions of the person being abused, we recommend reading the attached NYTimes story and viewing the attached TED talk.
If you want to talk about this issue, please call our Helpline at 888-774-2900. We have trained counselors to talk to and your conversation will remain confidential. The number is toll-free.
Seeing Abuse, and a Pattern Too Familiar
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